Packing for FanExpo Toronto

Well, it’s FINALLY here. I leave super early in the morning for Canada. Less than 24 hours until I’m in Toronto… HOW DID IT GET HERE SO SOON?!

Which means, I’m in final stages of packing tonight.


So, what am I bringing along for Fan Expo?

  • Jeans and T-shirts (duh)
  • My Comic Book Stor-folio 
  • My con bag
  • Various comics I hope to have signed
  • Normal, boring trip necessities – makeup, hygiene products, pajamas, etc.
  • A small handbag for any non-con adventures
  • Camera
  • My magical book of lists that goes everywhere with me (see the “I Heart Horror notebook above)

I have my hotel confirmation and all of my tickets printed and packed. My information written down so I know when to be where and how. If the printer cooperates before I leave, I’ll have a con floor map and schedule printed, too. Tomorrow is pretty well lined out in my head, so I think I’m prepared.

All I have left to do is last minute packing, and the actual journey to the airport.

I can’t wait! I’ll have loads of pictures and hopefully some great posts for you guys when I get back!

See you when I get back!



“You Have a Trip Coming Up”

This is a reoccurring reminder every time I go shopping before any trip.

You have a trip coming up.

Yup. I do. So, tell me, how’d I go to buy some jeans for my trip, and end up with all this?


Okay. Let’s reason, a bit, here:

There was a sale at All the Rage comics (which I need to do a proper post on, sometime), where everything I bought was either 50% or 25% off. So, the three comics toward the bottom were 50%. Then the 1986 trade paperback of The Dark Knight Returns was 25% off, and I ended up paying less than $10 for it. Then that copy of Metal was 25% off, and I’d been wanting that particular cover. Decent and fairly inexpensive haul, there.

The Lil Gotham issues were $2.99 at V-stock, and actually came with a second issue behind each one. So I walked away with issues #1-4, plus my mom bought them for me. So, zero spent on those four issues.

I needed to buy a small purse, and planned to make this purchase, because I don’t want to haul my con bag around outside of the con itself. I mainly just needed a place to shove a few items in that zips. So, I went into Hot Topic to have a look. They were having a sale: if you bought any bag, if you put anything into the bag, you’d get 25% off the bag AND the item. So, the Tiffany Pop! from Bride of Chucky got shoved into the Harley bag. I left paying less for both than I would have for just the bag, itself. SCORE!

I did get my jeans and other miscellaneous clothing items I needed for my trip. But the point was showing that I could still make a haul like the one above, save a bunch of money, and still be ready for a con that is now ONE WEEK AND ONE DAY AWAY! Whoa. I should finish packing…


STL Comics Summer 1 Day


I first heard about the STL Comics Summer 1 Day show when I saw a flyer at Villainous Grounds, a while back. It sounded awesome – a con focused on comics, with loads of vendors, and only $5 admission for adults. THIS was something I severely needed in my life, since our area feels like it’s lacking this sort of event. That was one of my huge complaints about Wizard World St Louis this year – where the hell were the comics?

Continue reading

Con Essential: The Comic Book Stor-folio



The Comic Book Stor-Folio is a handy dandy little box that opens up for you to slide comics into, either to carry around in your normal life or shop trips, or for cons. I was wanting one of these bad boys for a while, and just before Wizard World St Louis, I decided to order one to give it a proper go.


My first time out with it, it was for the con. It fit perfectly into my new con bag, and it’s super light (well, when it’s empty), so it isn’t like I’m hauling around some heavy duty thing. Enough junk has to get stuffed into my con bag as it is, so light was definitely a plus.

This was really beneficial to me in two ways:

  • Putting fancier books into the Stor-Folio to protect them a little more, even if they were already bagged and boarded.
  • Putting things that aren’t bagged and boarded, like a decent haul from a 15 for $10 booth, in for protection, so they didn’t get all banged up and destroyed in my bag.

The Stor-Folio can hold around 15 current or silver age books, and has this fancy little slot on the front, where you can put in some art to make it look cooler, or store an extra comic. I’d like to put some nifty art in there, myself. Just need to decide on something.

Anyway, I’ve obviously used this for con, but I’ve taken it to shops a few times so I can store my books in my bag and know they’re well protected. It’ll probably go with me the next time I go to New York or anywhere similar, where I go into a lot of shops.

This little baby is currently full of books that are heading to FanExpo Canada with me in roughly three weeks. I’m so excited! Expect a post on my packing progress within the next few weeks.
