On the Road: Bat Force Radio


Let’s get something out of the way, before I begin: Road trips are not my preferred means of travel. If I have to choose between 14+ hours in the car, or 3 hours on a plane… Hands down, I’d be choosing to wait in the TSA line with my shoes in a bucket and a boarding pass in hand. Roads trips, a good percent of the time, are quite miserable for me.

So, let’s start sharing some things I’ve found that can make the trips much easier, starting with one of my favorites. Whether it’s just an hour drive to St Louis, or 15+ hour journey to Orlando in a car full of people: I love listening to Bat Force Radio in the car.

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Star Wars and the Power of Costume

20120215_202756As some of you may remember, during the summer, I had a short notice trip to the New York / New Jersey area. I was only going to be there for a few days, and didn’t have much wiggle room to do extra stuff. But I had one day I could spare to return to New York, and I happily made a nerdy itinerary for that day.

Among the things on my list: Star Wars and the Power of Costume at Discovery Times Square, where I could see screen used costumes from the movies.

Now, I took LOADS of pictures, because there were SO MANY COSTUMES. However, I think I’m just going to highlight some favorites. So, let’s begin!

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Wizard World St Louis 2017


Boxes are from Boxes in Action 

It’s that time again, boys and girls. Wizard World St Louis – a time I can attend a con and
drive my things home at the end of each day, and not have to worry about safely getting everything home in luggage that may or may not arrive at my destination with me. This particular con makes my little collecting heart happy. BUY ALL THE THINGS!

My con prep was a little more involved, this time. I had two new bags to try out – reviews to come on those, plus I needed to sort through some of my comics to figure out what I needed to fill in some gaps, if the dollar bins would be kind to me. So, my handy dandy notebook of lists got a few pages added to it. But, aside from those things, I also needed to locate shirts, roll up posters, find my plastic protective sleeve things I use for prints, etc. Don’t even get me started on trying to figure out panels and schedules. Ooooh boy.

This was actually one of my least busy cons, but somehow felt like I was trying to do more. Funny how that works, huh?

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