Planet Comic Con



The decision to go to Planet Comic Con was fairly last minute, and I’m amazed we managed to pull it off successfully. But, my mom and I have a weird amount of skill in handling last minute trips fairly well.

So, why the random journey?

Simple answer: My mom wanted to meet Jason Momoa.

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Count Me Among Thy Saints.


It’s no secret that my faaaaaaaavorite movie is The Boondock Saints. I’ve written papers on the techniques used in it for my film class, watched it countless numbers of times, and even have some nifty neato stuff like posters, some canvas prints, and a fairly badass lamp, figures. Plus shirts. Etc. You get the idea. This is MY movie.

It also just so happens I’ve gotten to meet the three above individuals (my favorite guys in the movie, too): (from left to right) Sean Patrick Flanery, David Della Rocco, and Norman Reedus. Yes, the very same Norman Reedus that plays Daryl on The Walking Dead. I have hugged the Reedus. He has called me Batman. ALL YOUR JEALOUSY IS UNDERSTANDABLE.

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Wizard World St Louis 2018


Before I say anything, I will immediately give Wizard World STL credit for one thing:

This was definitely an improvement on several of my disappointments from last year, specifically:

  • The celebrity guests were better organized, like they used to be, and not in some weird maze of tables in the middle of the room.
  • There were considerably more vendors – of comics, as well as a variety of others. This was a pretty big deal to me, last year. I was on a mission to buy comics, and only had a handful of vendors to choose from.

So, bravo for that, WW! Thank you for making that aspect more enjoyable.

Moving along…

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Comic Talk: Why Tom King IS the King

Something has perplexed me in the world of comics, recently: The random whining over the work of current Batman writer, Tom King. For example:


From Tom King’s Twitter.

I couldn’t understand where this was all coming from. I’ve seen it off and on for a bit, now. If you don’t know much about King, you can listen to his first interview on Bat Force Radio – which is ridiculously enjoyable, and I’ve listened to it more times than I can count. I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting Tom twice in the last few months – both at Fan Expo Canada and Planet Comic Con. It’s easy to gather from meeting him, or even just the podcast interview – Tom King is a fantastic guy. So, the complaints can’t be based on people disliking him as a person.

I thought more about the things people were complaining about, specifically. And this is where I found my answers:

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Cons, cons, and more cons.


For the last month, roughly, I’ve been an exceptionally busy gal on the weekend. Between the first weekend of February until the first weekend of March, I’ve been at some sort of con every other weekend:

  • Wizard World St Louis
  • Planet Comic Con (in Kansas City)
  • STL Comics Winter One-Day

HOLY EXHAUSTION, BATMAN! My poor wallet hurts.

However, it was a pretty fun to have so many, so close together, to compare how different they felt. Different levels and experiences, etc. So, while I plan to post about each one individually, I’d like to take a moment to compare the three.

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Back to Business


Between holidays, health, and generalized busy busy busy times – I got pretty behind here. For that, I am deeply sorry. However! Some of my busy was related to things I can post about! So, at least we have that to show for my absence.

I’m working on getting posts ready in advance so even if I fall behind due to life, there’s plenty of content I can have saved and ready to post!

PLUS – I’m planning to add some new features. So stay tuned, kids!
