Review: Barbaric #1

Writer: Michael Moreci
Illustrator: Nathan Gooden
Colorist: Addison Duke
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Design: Tim Daniel
Editor: Adrian Wassel

Owen the Barbarian has been cursed to do good with what remains of his life. His bloodthirsty weapon, Axe, has become his moral compass with a drinking problem. Together they wander the realm, foredoomed to help any who seek assistance. But there is one thing Owen hates more than a life with rules: Witches.
Welcome to the skull-cracking, blood-splattering, mayhem-loving comic brave enough to ask: How can a man sworn to do good do so much violence? Hah! F***ing with you. It’s just…BARBARIC.”

This. Book. Is. PHENOMENAL.

You should all know by now I’m a fan girl for the writing of Michael Moreci and I’m on a mission to read everything he’s worked on. I’m so glad Vault gave me an extremely early peak at this book (I’m writing this in MARCH, FYI), and I’m absolutely in love with Barbaric.

Everything from the badass story to the art is perfect. The story is unique and ridiculously fun. The art Nathan Gooden does is insane in the absolute best way. The colors by Addison Duke are gorgeous. The lettering by Jim Campbell is fantastic. The design work from Tim Daniel is phenomenal as always. And we all love editor Adrian Wassel.

This book is a wild ride that you just have to experience for yourself. It has all the potential to be one of the best Vault books ever, which is a hard seat to take with so many amazing books.

Final order cut offs are Monday, June 7th. Issue one is out June 30th.

BUY THIS BOOK. TRUST ME. You’ll regret it if you don’t.


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