Suicide Squad: Premiere and Review


The critics have been bashing it. Kevin Smith has sung praises for it. It’s finally here for the masses. And, specifically, I was eagerly waiting to watch it. There was a lot at stake for me: I’ve been wanting a New 52 Suicide Squad movie. When I saw the first pictures of the cast, I was nervous. The first SDCC leaked trailer left me feeling unsure. Whenever new trailers began releasing, though, my opinion changed. My personal hype began building. I finally built this up so much, that when the movie finally began, I was grinning like an idiot. My baby, Harley Quinn, that I’ve loved as long as I can remember, was FINALLY GOING TO BE ON SCREEN.


But, what did I actually think of the movie?


It was what I needed. The Easter eggs were so magnificent, I nearly jumped from my seat to cheer. The feel of the New 52 Suicide Squad comics and the missions, characters I loved seeing on the screen like Harley, Deadshot, Diablo, and Boomerang had fantastic chemistry. Margot Robbie was fantastic. Even Jared Leto as the Joker made me happy. This movie was what I needed it to be, and I left happy. I understand why it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But don’t ruin it for those of us that it worked for.

I’d love to go into detail on more things, but I’ll wait a while before I say anything spoiler-y.

Either way, this was what I needed it to be, and I can’t wait to see it again. Critics and haters be damned.


In Skwad We Trust. 


One thought on “Suicide Squad: Premiere and Review

  1. Awesome! The previews look so great, and I love the concept, but I still haven’t seen it because all I have heard is how disappointing it is… After your review I’m definitely going to go watch it! Thanks!


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