Kevin Smith (and other Clerk goodness) at Fan Expo St. Louis 2022

You may have recently read my post on Fan Expo St. Louis, or even watched my video on my channel, and fully be aware of how exciting it was for me to finally reunite with Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes for the first time since I almost died in 2015.


But I figured it’d be nice to give the most special part of my weekend it’s own post, considering everything Kevin means to me.

The first thing to do with any of this adventure for the weekend? Awkwardly talking to Jason Mewes.

By awkwardly, I mean on my part, because I got a little shaky and emotional. But he was standing at his booth and I asked if he was busy, and he told me he could talk a minute. So I explained what happened in 2015, and how much I appreciated what he did for me. He seemed super appreciative that I mentioned it and that it meant so much. He said he’d see me the next day with the Kevin signing and photo op.

I walked away and got teary-eyed, but held it together.

The most appropriate shirt.

Day two came, and I was more excited than I can even explain.

My entire focus for myself revolved around finally – FINALLY – getting my photo op with Jason and Kevin, and their autograph signing.

Even though I hated how the photo turned out for me, the photo op itself was one of the best things ever. We walked in, Kevin hugged me, we took the picture and he hugged me again before walking out. And it was truly wonderful.

Then later, during the autograph signing, I got to do what I feared I may not get to do: I got the chance to talk to Kevin and thank him for everything. To my surprise, before I could finish, he jumped in and said he remembered me. He listened to me while I talked, and when I started to cave to the desire to cry, he grabbed my hand and reassured me.

Seriously. Kevin is the kindest human.

I was flying high the rest of the day.

Originally, I wasn’t sure I’d have the funds to also meet Brian O’Halloran and Jeff Anderson from Clerks, but Sunday we assessed funds and realized I had just enough left to get their autographs as well.

They were both wonderful and took the time to talk as well. Brian listened to the whole Kevin and Jason story, and talked with us a bit. Jeff Anderson asked a lot of questions which was cool to feel like we were having an actual conversation vs what happens at a lot of cons: feeling like you’re talking at someone.

Overall, this was a huge weekend for me and my Kevin Smith related adventures.

Have you gotten to meet any of the Clerks crew?


2 thoughts on “Kevin Smith (and other Clerk goodness) at Fan Expo St. Louis 2022

  1. Pingback: Clerks III – The Convenience Tour – St. Louis | Wandering NerdGirl

  2. Pingback: My Kevin Smith Adventures (So Far) | Wandering NerdGirl

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